The daily whisperer
When people go up the ladder, let it be your opportunity to be inspired. I have seen many of my friends renovate their lives and take on positions that I so dearly admire. They are either outside this country, married, holding a unique post in some companies; some are entrepreneurs, spiritual warriors, and great mentors and name it. My reflections after saying this are centered on the inner voice that speaks daily within me and the echo is so clear. Sometimes it’s like a whisper and I find myself lost in imaginations of what could have been, how it should be, or if it would be. I really don’t like that feeling. If I let it go on, it only stirs up self pity. I believe by now many of us have to daily identify how best we can navigate through life. Even after you see the compass and seem to know the direction, you still come back at the crossroads and pause to ask more questions before you decide to advance. Why do I bring up this subject today? I have purposed to speak ...