When we must question team work
So a team of people I had
just met after I was recently added to whatsApp group were all geared to making
an event happen. Bring this.. bring that and so forth. Question was who will
bring what??
So the event passed anyway…
but I was inwardly furious because the so many promises were not fulfilled. The
big realization was not so many people will keep their word. Some will make
empty promises to keep up appearances or make a false reputation. (Let me pause
for a bit….I hope you have not seen me as one of those. If yes, my earnest apologies)
I used to be the shy type
when it came to speaking out my mind. I always respect and value other people’s
feelings. That is what some of us would refer to as being sensitive. Let us not
Someone I know once told me never to be embarrassed to name and shame and that was one big lesson to embrace. These
team agendas always come with merits and demerits. The saying goes too many
cooks spoil the broth and truly some team work will go wrong with such kind of cooks.
Do not be that kind of person
who makes empty promises to your team and in the end de-tooth your team. If you
are part of the team and you observe such kind of characters that will surely
let your team down, bounce them or if that is not easy, simply confront the
issue diplomatically.
If we all add much truth and
energy to what we do, the world will definitely be a better place and we shall
not silently sit on false promises. Ponder on these things if you have seen what I see. Where do you fall?
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