You should never walk alone

I really thought very lowly of myself in the past with no confidence that people really cared about me. I cared about people from a distance with a wish that they would know how much I cared but in vain.  When I look back, I was simply living in denial. It has gradually dawned on me that the choice to invite people into my life is mine. We each have a choice to be there for someone or distance ourselves from them.

Life comes with diverse opportunities that we can make use of. We all have what it takes to build great networks. Social gatherings, family events and our corporate circles come with all kinds of opportunities. 

The bible makes it clear that God too does not want us to walk alone. He will always walk with us wherever we go and with whom .
Joshua 1:9 New International Version (NIV)
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Over the years, it has now become so clear to me that to nurture myself, I need more people to look up to , to hang out with, to share life with and to be there for others too.

I know that some of us may have trust issues and probably prefer to walk this life alone because you trust no one. You can at least look out for objective friends so you don’t find oneself in a trap of regret. Don’t aim at making friends for benefits. Be the friend they need before you try to come off as needy and desperate instead. 

I once mentioned that the culture of complimenting and recognizing our friends should become our way of life and that for sure is the right way for us to strengthen our circles so the world is a fun place to stay.
Have you abandoned so many people out there? Take this moment and reconsider your walk in life. Are you walking alone because you choose to, are you ready to adventure and allow yourself to meet all kinds of people and allow them to embrace you as you embrace them?


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