Every girl's fantasy

This feeling can start from an early age. Even a three year old will admire some one who is wearing a beautiful gown. It is a sweet feeling of admiration and you may not be  the first to get this feeling... and surely you will not be the last. its feel like such a generational thing...
I always wished i would be a brides maid and sadly i went through school till the university without knowing the feeling of being one. I have always reasoned that it is possible that i was not the ideal candidate according to the brides i know and the last reason for me, maybe i am not as beautiful as the other girls..lol (that is actually my bottom line reason of why i think i was never picked)
I personally think this is a sweet feeling that every girl should embrace. Let it be. i personally love to attend weddings and being the emotional type, i cry a lot during some of these speech sessions with a bit of me hoping no one around me has noticed but i'm sure some of these awkward moments do not go un noticed.
Now let us get the bigger picture. Since  I am not yet married i will share my lessons over the past years. I have observed  and picked a few tips. It is not how much money you spend on the wedding that will make some of us happy. Some of of us are overjoyed by the happiness of the groom and bride. we look forward to the jokes shared by the close friends and relatives. we love to take note of the comic moments of the day and that alone just makes it all count. You can  not forget the joy in "swallowship" as i  would call it. The food , the drinks and my best part , the cake.  Those surely must be available.
so here is our lesson ladies , and other readers. In the bible, the book of Genesis in particular(Can i hear an AMEN?) Adam didn’t need someone to cook for him, clean up after him, or care for him. That was not the problem. The void in Adam’s life was that he did not have a companion to work with him, rule the earth with him, love with him, procreate with him, and after the fall—struggle with him. He needed a good companion and someone to complete him. 
So as we enjoy this fantasy, let us not forget the bigger picture of being the good wife and being the wife that leaves a mark in people's lives. God's grace is sufficient for us all. we can do this ladies.


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