Stay in touch
They say, "out of sight is out of mind." The more I give this
thought, the more I appreciate the value of keeping those close to me at heart.
There is an evolution of a standard that we now brand as human where we say do not contact them not until they make an initiative. That could sound like a good approach to silent people but no its not. The truth is it breeds a whole new level of distance in relationships be it family, friends, workmates and the list goes on.
Coping with insensitive people or rather the un bothered type can be derailing especially when you live by the peace talk and dialogue approach in life. Teaching one to always stay in touch with people is a choice. You either try to do it or you do not try at all. Our lives are daily comprised of choices and caring about others is one of the best choices we can ever make.
There is so much peace in knowing that you have invested a great deal of your time in people. It could be a text but you can trust it will speak volumes. It could be a phone call that will simply turn someone's day into a much better day. It might be a visit that just brings back all the peace and comfort that has been absent for a while. I could go on and on about the refreshing impact of keeping in touch.
I am not perfectly good at this myself but I must admit some really close people in my life have brought me to a realization that life will not only rotate around us. The more we engage into community, family and general society, we gradually appreciate the diverse life stories we hear and experience.
I always want to finish with what a scripture says and here is one of those that highlight our need to look out for others besides just living in our own world.
Galatians 6:2 - Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. Bear the burden of the people with you, so that you will not bear it all alone.
There is an evolution of a standard that we now brand as human where we say do not contact them not until they make an initiative. That could sound like a good approach to silent people but no its not. The truth is it breeds a whole new level of distance in relationships be it family, friends, workmates and the list goes on.
Coping with insensitive people or rather the un bothered type can be derailing especially when you live by the peace talk and dialogue approach in life. Teaching one to always stay in touch with people is a choice. You either try to do it or you do not try at all. Our lives are daily comprised of choices and caring about others is one of the best choices we can ever make.
There is so much peace in knowing that you have invested a great deal of your time in people. It could be a text but you can trust it will speak volumes. It could be a phone call that will simply turn someone's day into a much better day. It might be a visit that just brings back all the peace and comfort that has been absent for a while. I could go on and on about the refreshing impact of keeping in touch.

I am not perfectly good at this myself but I must admit some really close people in my life have brought me to a realization that life will not only rotate around us. The more we engage into community, family and general society, we gradually appreciate the diverse life stories we hear and experience.
I always want to finish with what a scripture says and here is one of those that highlight our need to look out for others besides just living in our own world.
Galatians 6:2 - Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ. Bear the burden of the people with you, so that you will not bear it all alone.
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